A little breakdown of the Doctor Strange costume


Because I’m geeking out over the craftsmanship. Now I know people have issues with the whitewashing and I acknowledge those problems. I won’t be able to afford going to the cinema anyway. But I am however, very intrigued by the costume and its design. And as I know a few people who want to cosplay him, I thought; I’d give a hand.

Let’s get started.


The cloak is uneven. It’s not a simple half-round cloak or cape like most other superheroes. The left shoulder covers the body, whereas the right one goes back, draping a little less dramatic than Thor’s.


The cloak is made of several different fabrics. All these sketches and material guesses are done by Bbeauty Designs. They’ve done a good job at identifying ‘patterns’ and possible fabrics. 


Here’s the other side, with identifications. The cloak is recognisable but already a very hard part. if you are going for a very very accurate costume, I wonder if you’ll still be alive after this part. Because the worst is yet to come. But I’ll save that for last. Here is another picture of the cloak and it’s fabrics/various patterns.


You’ve probably seen the leather braided belts with rings, probably resin-cast. There’s a set of rings attached to them. Also, the Eye of Agamotto seems to open ‘organically’. I have no pictures of that at the moment.

The boots were identified as Asics by Cumberbuddy, but they probably modified them to become custom boots, wrapped with various fabrics. 


The tunic has a lot of pleats. Keep that in mind. While they’re asymmetrical, they’re still very neat and precisely ‘ironed’. Here you can see the uneven cloak again, as well as the asymmetrical tunic. The golden bit on the side, are the two rings, connected together. It’s like a double ring. Don’t know how to explain it. 


Here’s a better shot of the rings, as well as the various cloak fabrics. The lining on the inside of the collar seems to be ‘normal’ red fabric, but don’t forget the lining of the actual cloak…


Still here? Good, because now we start with a subtle, yet important detail. This is the part where I go “sucks to be them” to the costume designers & makers. Which turn out to be Hawthorne & Heaney. 


See this? Yeah? Maybe I need a clearer picture for you.


They HAND EMBROIDED that part. Those cross-stitching are hand-embroided on the costume. On this hi-res photo you can see some of them became undone during filming. You can also see it’s not just the trim around the neck down to the belt. It’s across the chest as well.


That’s ALL HAND EMBROIDERY AND OH MAN I DO NOT ENVY THE PEOPLE WHO HAD TO DO THAT! Not to mention there is ALWAYS more than one costume. Possibly at LEAST 5 or 6. My hands already hurt at the thought.


You can see the range of colours they’ve used as well. It’s not *just* one colour. And it’s uneven too. some of them are ‘missing’. I am assuming this is due to ageing/weathering or at least making it look like it’s ‘lived’ through various ages.


More of the stitching/embroidery, as well as a close-up of the clasps that ‘hold’ the cloak in place.


And as we’re venturing down to the chest, I might as well add in this pic of the Eye of Agamotto. Here’s a link to the full resolution pic of it.

For a detailed run-down & discussion, where fabrics, props and 3D prints are being discussed, I’d advice you to visit THIS thread on theRPF.

Good luck with your work, cosplayers! I am not doing it, nor am I even attempting anything. I’ve got enough on my plate already 😉

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