


Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

You know, Stephen says this to dunk on Tony but it overlooks the fact that the flavor came out, Stephen bought it, then tried it. Like dude (or someone he knows) paid cash money for that. Which means:

1) He did it for the lulz, anticipating that it would suck, but still paid money that went to whatever charity the flavor was supporting so still a win for the purpose of the ice cream or

2) He did it because he thought it would taste good and is now revealing his bitterness that his Stark Raving Hazelnuts fanboy dreams were crushed.

But we’re all sleeping on the fact that not only did Stephen do what op said above, he and Wong also bought a tub of ‘Hunk a Hulk of Burning Fudge’ (or however that’s spelled) and decided they preferred that. Wizard bros trying out Avengers-flavored ice cream between protecting the fabric of reality is incredibly funny.

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