So many fandom things that bug:

Person1 makes post saying their fave is great by contrasting them to another character whom they say is awful and implies that 2nd character perpetuates real-world social issue.

Person2 who likes 2nd character defends that character and/or points out real-world social issues of 1st character.

Person1 says “omg it’s fiction fjdkdnfjl”

Really? You were the one who brought up real-world social issues. Either the apply your real-world social issues across the board and be prepared to recieve replies to the comparison that you started in your initial post, OR next time just make a praise of your fave post that doesn’t hinge on knocking another down.



today’s tea: yall didnt have issues with tony stark being rich back when your faves solely depended on it

tony stark may be privileged, but so is every single other avenger. they were living off his money and resources for years. they have gotten special treatment for being heroes and enjoyed a great amount of immunity because of their powers/abilities. 

they are as far detached from the ‘ordinary man on the street’ as tony is, they just don’t have the self-awareness to notice.







“local hero fucks up elderly” DFGHJGJKHHHGF i remember steve tossing t*ny’s ugly ass in the snow in that fight, even with t*ny’s stupid robot’s help but hey whatever canon y’all like to make up for your fave i guess

my impact

Anti steve homophobia and anti steve racism tho….. @ op what type of crack were you smoking when you came up with that

he is a light skin lgbt icon, y’all are just homophobes for putting t*ny with steve+carol (mlm+wlw solidarity) in the same post

How the fuck-


y’all: peter was able to stop bucky’s fist in civil war bc bucky heard peter’s voice, realized he was a child, then weakened his punch bc he was so worried about hurting a child uwu

me, eating pistachios: y’all know peter can canonically lift up to 75 tons, right. y’all know bucky’s fist is easy as hell for peter to block, right. y’all know bucky didn’t know shit about peter being a child and was just shocked that someone was able to so easily block his punch, right. y’all know that, right.


[posts circulate invalidating Tony’s abusive childhood, making fun of his abusive childhood, joking about Tony’s suicidal thoughts in both the comics and films, erasing Tony’s character development, etc.]

Some of y’all: 😴💤

[one post circulates cracking a mild joke at Steve’s expense]

Some of y’all: god people can’t we all just get along???!!!? can’t you love one character without tearing down another????












Ok i wanna know why we keep hypin up this moment in IW so damn much 

because literally two seconds later, Thanos leaves Steve knocked the fuck out with one swift punch to the face

meanwhile Tony Stank is on another planet getting moons thrown at him and giving Thanos an actual fight using tech he built himself

like bitch even Thanos was Shook™️ for a moment before he did the stabby stabby which led us to this iconic line where he is talking directly to Tony!

But y’all wanna stay sleepin on Anthony Edward Stark callin him a villain and whatever. Like the behavior he exhibited was Iconic, like the Legend jumped out. And yes, Thanos did look annoyed when he was going up against Steve before getting the last infinty stone but it was probs because Steve’s dumb ass didnt realize that he has two fuckin hands and was just tryna hold Thanos’ hand or some shit idk

TL;DR: Tony Stark doesnt deserve this and Steve needs to step up his titan fighting game

Fucking this!

IFKRRR Justice is served!! Y’all hyped it up so much I laughed so hard when he was tossed like .2 secs later

#steve was just holding thanos’ hand like a schoolgirl with a crush

I ship👀👀👀👀👀

oh ymogd


Well, 1. it was a scene in the trailer and up until the actual movie came out, was actually the hypest moment in the whole trailer and 2. It’s still an impressive feat by our main man Steve Rogers because for a moment he did stop Thanos even though he had most of the stones at that point. Objectively Tony absolutely had the best fight scenes and lines in the movie, but ya’ll are also conveniently forgetting that Tony was also decked the fuck out by Thanos.

Also, how does that fact that Tony needs a billion dollars in tech to fight Thanos a point in his favor? At least Steve did it with his bare, albeit super powered, hands. 

First of all, your statement where Tony was “decked the fuck out”, where, honey??? He got right back on his feet and kept fighting, whereas your Main Man Steve got knocked out, as in unconscious? But nice try

Also, let’s get two things straight:

a) Steve: holds Thanos hand in trailer, later gets knocked the FUCK out

b) Tony: gets punched by Thanos in trailer, in movie, is the ONLY person to make him bleed

Third of all, I’ve had it with you amounting whatever Tony has to his “billions of dollars”. You show me another person who’s built the Iron Man suit with their chest ripped in half and a car battery stuck in it. The suit is Tony’s intellectual property, and it remains the only tech to hurt Thanos, no matter what you say.

And if we are speaking the “what is Tony without his billion dollars”, pray tell me what your beloved Steve was without the serum that he neither paid for, nor desgined?

Also, Steve didn’t “fight” Thanos. He only got knocked out by him. That’s not a fight, that’s just stupid.

baby girl you snapped so hard everyone who turned to dust came back to life

Some days I get tired of the Tony vs Steve stuff. But if we must:

I’m confused why there’s always somebody going “the physical strength someone got from someone else’s radioactive steroids is superior overall to possessing the intellect and ingenuity to develop functional alien-level nanotech that allows them to go toe to toe with god, hulks, and titans.”

Like, no level of brawn beats that level of brain to me.





Anyways lmao the iron man movies are a love letter to how capitalism and war-mongering are the true evil in this world and the fact that American fans belittle and dismiss these movies while international fans very vocally call iron man their favourite…fucking means something

I’m non american, every ironman fan I know like him because he’s rich and a playboy, he’s a symbol of success especially for men. International audience are often not very critical of hollywood movies, they just like the spectacles in the movie, because their local film industries do not have the money for that kinda CG spectacles. 

K well 4k people disagree and the common sense burning a hole in my left pocket wants me to tell you that iron man is about making mistakes, he resents his own money, has been in a committed relationship since his second movie, and is the only character with mental illness which is directly why iron man 3 didn’t do so well, because dudebros hates it.

Oh, and also not every fucking non-american is a third world country and the fact that you just talked down to all of them by saying they aren’t critical of movies because oh ah the cgi dazzles them like easily entertained children wants me to kindly tell you to fuck off

Literally most iron man fans are poc/minority just like me. Also its really white American males (a lot of them but not all, im not going to generalize and say every one of them is like that) who like him because he’s a “playboy” or “arrogant”. But they are also the same people believe he isnt an actual hero.

Also non Americans or poc Americans totally are critical with Hollywood stuff and other countries do have money for CG. What you said is an insult.