





Who could find Vision? 

Hello yes I would like to highlight Stephen’s reaction

I LOVE that Stephen was SO DONE when Steve got mentioned. And literally excused himself from the conversation. He expresses such annoyance, and then just noped out of the conversation SO HARD friends. Put himself in a corner/across the room; it was great. 

But Bruce, what you’re saying isn’t fair. And I know you don’t know why it’s not fair, but you shouldn’t comment on things without knowing the full story.. Tony having to call the guy that nearly killed him, is really not a thing to take lightly… Like, that’s hard. That’s traumatic. Steve was a friend, a teammate, a leader, someone Tony trusted. Someone that lied to Tony, for years? Omission and to his face. Chose that, after bitching about what his teammates did or did not tell him, and Steve pulls this. You shouldn’t say “it doesn’t matter who you aren’t talking to”, you should step up and say “then let me call him”.

If I were in Tony’s place? I wouldn’t want to call Steve either. My hands probably would shake too… and I would hope some of my friends would be on my side, in that scenario. 😦

Aah, I remember this scene made me so annoyed with Bruce, what with the way he’s guilt tripping Tony into doing something he’s clearly severely uncomfortable doing. And the way he says “Thanos is coming, stop your whining, we all need to work together” when Tony has thought of nothing else for six. Years. Way to be condescending for a guy that wasn’t even aware of the issue until fifteen minutes ago.

Thank you to whoever decided to pan into Stephen’s reaction. It’s like, he understands what Tony had gone through. I really cant believe I have to wait until Avengers 3 for Tony to get a proper teammate that understands him. 

Meanwhile Bruce… *shake heads* How did he know Thor is gone cos Heimdall sent Hulk away while Thor is still alive (captured, but still alive?),Seriously dude?

Hi remember when






**Spoiler alert for infinity war below please don’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it**

Steve Rogers said “Close it,” when Tony sacrificed himself to save the world and then remember when Dr. Strange said, “Wait. His life for the time stone,” or whatever when Tony Stark sacrificed himself to save the world and it was the first time a teammate put Tony before everything and even though he said he would save the stone before he saved Tony or Peter something he saw in the future made him realize Tony was more important to the universe that possession of an infinity stone and

I love Doctor Strange so much. Like I liked him before but now…. He’s the teammate Tony needs. Like yeah sure “Earth’s greatest defender” and all that shit but when has Steve ever done ANYTHING for Tony? And I’m supposed to believe there’s an epic friendship there? No, not in the mcu. Tony’s not calling Steve not because of some pinning shit but because he’s terrified to put trust in him. You can see that in how he interacts with Strange at the begining. Like here we go again, I’m being taken for granted AGAIN. And he is fucking done with it but that changed after Strange saved him and Peter. “I owe you one.” His attitude to him shifted at that point. He did trust him and felt a bit responsible for him (being concerned and checking on him when he was reviewing the realities) I hope this isn’t the only interaction we see from them.

Yes OKAY, Yes, you are Correct. First, Tony’s immediate concern for Dr. Strange, going over and picking him up and later like you mentioned. And when Dr. Strange says he won’t save him there’s just this completely bleak but not surprised look on his face, so sad. And RDJ mentioned that picking up the phone to call steve would be against tony’s conscience because he thinks of Obadia’s betrayal. It wasn’t because of pining at all it was a lack of trust (a distrust, I might add, that there was a reason for; Steve’s continuous lack of trust in Tony since Avengers 1 when he told tony he only fought for himself was not based on any experience and was proven false but persisted throughout the series even in civil war). I think he knew Steve would come fight bad guys but not necessarily be there for Tony’s sake, why would he think that?? The prelude comics made it clear that Tony expected to have to face Thanos alone. I really love epic facial hair bros and I really hope that they meet again and be friends and tony can make a smoothie and dr strange can make him tea


The relationship between Tony and Strange was the best-developed subplot of IW, these are two strangers who have never met and they go from reluctance to mutual respect. After Bruce’s arrival and once the severity of the situation is explained to him, Strange immediately goes to get the right person for the job and that’s Tony. Sure, there’s animosity between them at first but that’s fine, it’s within character, then as Tony’s struggling to make the phone call and realizes there’s something not right, he asks Strange for confirmation. Once outside, keeping in mind that Tony has never met Strange it makes sense that he tells him to stay behind to protect the stone, just as it makes sense for Strange to not listen and show him what he can do. 

Later, after rescuing him from Maw, the two of them have another confrontation and Strange is like, you’re all show and no substance, but then Tony calls him out on his actions because Tony did tell him to go put the stone at a safe place and he didn’t listen. Strange knows he can’t fly the ship but Tony probably does so he asks him, but then Tony’s already thinking ahead and when Tony doesn’t answer immediately he asks louder to get his attention and Tony’s reply scares him a bit because nwo Tony’s planning to make the same mistake he made. Except, when Tony talks to him, Strange actually listens, Tony doesn’t hold back, he shares how Thanos has been in his head for seix years and he is honest when he says he doesn’t know what to do. Strange can relate to him like nobody else can beacuse in his movie, he too was lost and had no idea what to do. Plus, it’s not just that he knows how difficult it is to admit that in a personal level, he’s all to aware of Tony’s public persona so for him to admit this, it must not have been easy and he respects that.

This is why Strange is the best teammate Tony’s ever had, he LISTENS to Tony. Tony tells him he doesn’t know what to do but he thinks going to Titan is the best thing and Strange respects Tony’s opinion and agrees to it, nobody else at the point in the MCU has had Tony’s back like this, they always question him. The first reaction is to question anything Tony says, Strange does the opposite. He makes it clear though, that he is agreeing but with one condition, if it comes to Tony’s life, the kid’s life or the stone, he’ll pick the stone BUT he doesn’t say that just to say it, he explains why. He tells Tony, I can’t do it differently beause the universe is at stake and Tony respects that, he agres with it, if anything he’s relieved that Strange gets it. Nobdy else has grasped the severity of what’s to come, everyone has dismissed Tony’s warnings but Strange GETS IT. This is the moment when the relationship between them changes to mutual respect. From here on out, all their interactions are different.

When they carsh land on Titan and Tony ends up on the floor, Strange doesn’t just offer him a hand, he asks if Tony’s okay. Later, when Strange does the thing with the stone to check for possibilites to beat Thanos, Tony’s right there offering him comfort as well. Then, after Thanos leaes with the stone, Tony looks at Strange and asks why did he do that, why did he trade Tony’s life for the stone? Tony was sure he wouldn’t do that, Strange even said it earlier so why. Strange is honest with Tony as to why he did it. Tony may not agree but he can tell Strange knew what he was doing, even if it doesn’t feel right.

At the very end, Strange calls him Tony, before he explains this was the only way, talk about a full circle, he goes from calling him a douchebag to calling him by his first name, like friends do. Within a few interactions they EARN each other’s respect.

Strange is the best thing that’s ever happened to Tony in the MCU (besides Peter but that’s different) Strange is an adult, an equal and the only one who truly listens to Tony.

Meanwhile, Bruce, who is supposedly the closest person he’s ever been with in the team is unwilling to spend a single second caring about Tony’s very obvious emotional distress, he basically tells Tony to get over it because this is more important thing than him. Bruce dismisses Tony’s right to NOT be okay.

I hope we get more interactions between Tony and Stephen in the future.